From 2018

11/24/18  Frequent visitors will notice several changes to the website.  I have been tinkering with some things over the last few weeks, and accidentally clicked on PUBLISH instead of save as an unpublished draft.  As a result, what you see is what I did.  I consolidated all my notes and quips to improve navigation.  I will be trimming down some of the older notes.   There will be some other changes as well. 

8/30/18  I’ve considered successful people’s morning routines for several years.  This post discusses three things many successful people do everyday.  I have seen these three in several other venues and practice them myself.  Like many things in life, simple, but not always easy.  Learning, reflecting, and exercising.  Enjoy and let me know what you think.

8/3/18  Courage or competence, which is more important.  It is a small part of this podcast by Tim Ferriss with Airanna Huffington.  I think my readers will like and agree with her answer.

7/19/18  Do you blog too?  Here are some thoughts I’ve found to improve your writing.

7/9/18  I have not been as active here this year.  I have been busy working on lesson development.  In that regard I found this gem I thought beneficial for others.  #betterpresentations #betterpowerpoint

4/16/18  This guy led the way all weekend.

3/20/18  A few years ago, Shawn O’Brien showed me a Jocko William video entitled Good.  After watching the video I purchased his book Extreme Ownership.  I started listening to the podcast.  Jocko sometimes talked about this dude Tim Ferriss.  I read his book 4 Hour Work Week  I saw this blog today of Tim quotes and thought my readers would have interest.

3/6/18  I found this piece on running meetings today.  I thought leaders who follow me would be interested in participating in and running better meetings.

2/2/18  In several of my posts I discussed the importance of good images.  I found this resource today and thought I would share.  Some of the sites appear to charge for the download but have unlimited use after the initial fee.  Others are free, but may contain limitations on use.  As will all images, read the license, understand the restrictions, comply with the restrictions, give credit where credit is due even in the public domain or with CC0 licenses, and you will probably be ok.

1/25/18  I found Dr. Perry’s page after he visited my blog.  I think my readers will find something of value on his page.  Check it out at  He has stuff related to improving your life and helping others.

1/16/18  I was just reviewing my last three posts and realized they were all on presentations.  Training and leadership are intertwined, so presentation skills are vital to both.  Presentations are more than a simple transfer of knowledge from one to another.  Presentations are about persuading others to change.  Some good ideas about another element of presentation preparation:

1/11/18 There always seems to be something new to learn in the world.