Assorted Thoughts, Quips & Notes

1/31/24 By about this time most years, many people have given up on their New Years Resolutions. I will be posting a bonus article later this month about how to not only achieve your 2024 resolutions, but how those goals should fit into an overall strategy for your life.

1/16/24 Welcome to a New Year. New years always spark interest in self-improvement, becoming a better person. My website is a great resource to learn lots of new ways to become that better person. There are over ten years worth of lessons posted here. They represent the learning I did in my own life over that time. You will find there are a number of topics I come back to. There are two reasons for this. The first is that as I grow, I develop deeper understandings of the principals of those topics. While what I published earlier remains valid, my new insights might offer more help to some the earlier post did not. The second is there are just certain topics that always need to stay in the forefront. Repeating these lessons helps keep the bucket filled. As you browse this web page you will also note how my writing changes, styles, timing, length and similar things. I am not a professional author. I am a professional leader. My goal with writing is to help new and aspiring leaders become better faster. I always had people who were willing to step up and help me. I can never pay them back. The best I can do is pay it forward. This blog is an effort to do that. Welcome to 2024. I hope you find something here that will make your leadership journey easier.